Home/Theology/Role of Women/Liberal Christian View

The Role of Women

Liberal Christian View


  • The belief that church leadership is open to both men and women is usually referred to as egalitarianism.
  • Egalitarians believe that Biblical scripture must be taken in context and that scripture prohibiting women from church leadership is culture bound, not transcultural.
  • One way to determine of certain teachings were meant to be transcultural or culture-specific is if there are any inconsistencies throughout the Bible. If there are inconsistencies, it is hard to argue that those teachings are transcultural.

Passages Supporting Liberal Views

As mentioned in the previous section, one way to determine if certain teachings were meant to be transcultural or culture-specific is if there are any inconsistencies throughout the Bible. If there are inconsistencies, it is hard to argue that those teachings are transcultural.

Most Biblical scholars believe that women wrote parts of the Bible including:
• Miriam (Exodus 15:20-21)
• Deborah (Judges 5)
• Elizabeth (Luke 1:42-45)
• Mary (Luke 1:46-55)
• Anna (Luke 2:38)
If women may never have authority over a man throughout time and women wrote parts of the Bible, how can men submit to the Bible as authority?...

Rebuttals to Conservative Views

1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy
Conservative theology of a complementarian or patriarchal order is primarily based on the interpretation that passages in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy are transcultural, not culture bound....